11 семинар по газам, Камчатка 2011



Уважаемые коллеги!


         Комиссия по химии вулканических газов и IAVCEI от лица геохимического сообщества ИВиС ДВО РАН приглашают международные геохимические научные группы, изучающие вулканические газы, принять участие в семинаре по газам 2011, который будет проводиться на Камчатке, между 1 и 10 сентября 2011 года.




Срок подачи тезисов и срок для ранней регистрации – 28 февраля 2011.



Скачать первый и второй циркуляры, а также получить подробную информацию вы можете по ссылке: http://vulcanologia.uda.cl/index_archivos/ccvg_main.htm




11th gas workshop Kamchatka 2011, Second Circular



Commission on the Chemistry of Volcanic Gases (CCVG) – IAVCEI Dear Colleagues On behalf of the hosting geochemical community from the Institute of Volcanology and Seismology and Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) we are happy to invite the international geochemical scientific group working on volcanic gases to participate in the 2011 Gas Workshop to be held in Kamchatka, Russia, between 1st and 10th September 2011.


The main topics of the workshop are the intercomparison of results of the simultaneous geochemical sampling, remote sensing methods and discussions of the current problems of the theory and practice of volcano degassing.


The programme will include a scientific meeting focused mainly on geochemistry of volcanic gases. The main topics will be:



1. New techniques, including sample collection, lab analysis and field spectroscopy, for measurement of inorganic, organic gas and aerosol composition (including isotopes) of fumaroles, diffuse emissions and plumes.

2. Modelling frameworks for interpretation of volcanic (magmatic) fluid geochemistry

3. Atmospheric chemistry of volcanic plumes; environmental and human health impacts of volcanic degassing.

4. Measurements of volcanic plumes using space-based remote sensing.

5. Deep Carbon Observatory session. Discussion about long-term monitoring of volcanic gas emissions and a global gas monitoring network.



1. Direct sampling and remote sensing of gases emitted from fumaroles at Mutnovsky volcano

2. Measurements of soil degassing at Mutnovsky geothermal field

11th Gas Workshop, Kamchatka, Russia CCVG-IAVCEI

3. Plume Measurements at Gorely and/or Karymsky volcanoes

We invite you to download the second circular, where you can find full information about this workshop, including Registration Fee, Organization and Logistics, Visa, Custom and Preliminary Program. Also you will find the pre-registration form – from the CCVG web site:




Important Dates

Abstract dead-line & Early registration February 28, 2011

Workshop 1-10 September 2011



Best regards

Yuri TARAN, Leader CCVG

Nicole BOBROWSKI, CCVG Secretary

Felipe AGUILERA, CCVG editor & webmaster