Chikurachki Volcano
GVP Number  290360
IAVCEI Number  0900-36-
Location  50°19'25" N, 155°27'40" E
Last Eruption 2023/1/28 - 2023/2/8
Elevation 1816 m
Chikurachki, the nothern volcano in Karpinsky ridge, is located in the south-western part of Paramushir Island, 60 km to the south-west from Severo-Kurilsk.
Form and structure
The stratovolcano is nested on the volcanic ridge of Karpinsky merging with Tatarinov volcano in the south. Its regular cone mostly consists of pyroclastic rocks and is situated on the ancient lava basis.
From basalts to andesits
40,000-50,000 years
Aviation color code
Last VONA/KVERT Releases
Hazard synopsis
Potential hazards are caused by ash plumes, ash falls, lava and pyroclastic flows, hot avalanches and lahars.

The volcano constitutes a potential hazard to commercial aircrafts flying over Kamchatka and the Northern Kuriles because its eruptive clouds can rise to a height of 6-11 km a.s.l. and extend for hundreds of kilometers and the duration of eruptions can exeed a few months.

Ash falls possible at:

Severo-Kurilsk (60 km to the north-east from the volcano)
Ozernovskiy (145 km to the north-east)
Monitoring status
2023/1/28 – 2023/2/8  
2022/10/15 – 2022/10/16  
2022/8/22 – 2022/9/2  
2022/6/30 – 2022/7/1  
2022/6/23 – 2022/6/24  
2022/1/30 – 2022/2/2  
2016/7/27 – 2016/8/30  
2016/3/28 – 2016/3/31  
2015/2/15 – 2015/2/19  
2008/7/29 – 2008/8/15  
2007/8/19 – 2007/10/20  
2007/3/19 – 2007/4/7  
2005/3/10 – 2005/4/7  
2003/4/17 – 2003/6/16  
2002/1/25 – 2002/4/31  
1986/11/19 – 1986/11/25  
1961/8/9 – 1961/8/10  
1961/5/2 – 1961/5/17  
1958/5/26 – 1958/5/27  

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Institute of Volcanology and Seismology FEB RAS, KVERT
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