Ksudach Volcano
GVP Number  300050
IAVCEI Number  1000-05-
Location  51°50'38" N, 157°34'20" E
Last Eruption 1907/3/28 - 1907/3/29
Elevation 1079 m
The volcano is situated in the Southern Kamchatka volcanic belt in the series of volcanoes closest to the ocean.
Form and structure
Ksudach is a large lake-filled 18x22 km caldera with the young Stubel cone in the northern part.
From basalts to andesits
Lower-Middle Pleistocene
Aviation color code
Last VONA/KVERT Releases
Hazard synopsis
Hazards include phreatic explosions, ash clouds, ash falls, pyroclastic flows and surges, floods and lahars (especially in the Teplaya River that drains the volcano to the north).

Ash falls possible at:

Ozernovskiy (80 km to the southwest from the volcano)
Pauzhetka (60 km to the southwest)
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky (150 km to the northeast)
Monitoring status
1907/3/28 – 1907/3/29  
~ 240T  

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